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:books:Data Structures

Before dive into this repo you should know why do we need these concepts. What is Role of DSA in your real life??

“ For solving any real-world problem with programming approach we need to follow some steps & strategy. The collection of that steps is Algorithm, whereas a data structure is a way to store and organize data during solving that problem or constructing any software so that it can be used efficiently in terms of time and space, this way Data structure & Algorithms always allow us to write efficient and optimized computer programs.”

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Data Structures

  1. Recursion
  2. Array
  3. String
  4. LinkedList
  5. Stack
  6. Queue
  7. Tree
  8. Binary Search Tree
  9. AVL Trees
  10. Graph
  11. Heap
  12. Sorting Techniques
  13. Divide & Conquer
  14. Sliding Window
  15. Dynamic Programming

:blue_book: Recursion

* :blue_book: Array:blue_book:

Big-O complexities of common Data structure & Algorithm

Graph Algorithm



In software development we have two phases:-

* :blue_book: Time Complexity and Problems

* :blue_book: Divide & Conquer:blue_book:

:blue_book: Sliding Window technique